
Showing posts from August, 2017
Dear Mal,     Well looks like summer killed our blog for a while.  That's ok,  there has definitely been a lot going on with both of us.  I've been thinking about what a topic could be for my next post to you,  and I came up with something that's been on my mind, and what better for two girls to talk about than men? More specifically, brothers.      When I get down in the dumps,  a tender area for me is obviously that I'm down one sister in this world.  I sometimes have to avoid social media. People with posts of them and their sisters makes me either angrily-jealous, or feeling depressed and invisible. However,  I was having one of those moments a couple weeks ago,  when I thought "What about my awesome brothers?"     This probably is funny being directed at you because you grew up with sisters,  but this can be counted to all the man in our lives; husband's,  cousins,  friends,  brothers ...